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Slot allocation and parent node…, 3ホイールビットコインスロットマシン. Slot allocation and parent node active state duration in conventional method. Fuzzy-Based Dynamic Time Slot Allocation for Wireless Body Area Networks. With the advancement in networking, information and communication technologies, wireless body area networks (WBANs) are becoming more popular in the field of medical and non-medical applications. Real-time patient monitoring applications generate periodic data in a short time period. In the case of life-critical applications, the data may be bursty. Hence the system needs a reliable energy efficient communication technique which has a limited delay. In such cases the fixed time slot assignment in medium access control standards results in low system performance. This paper deals with a dynamic time slot allocation scheme in a fog-assisted network for a real-time remote patient monitoring system. Fog computing is an extended version of the cloud computing paradigm, which is suitable for reliable, delay-sensitive life-critical applications. In addition, to enhance the performance of the network, an energy-efficient minimum cost parent selection algorithm has been proposed for routing data packets. The dynamic time slot allocation uses fuzzy logic with input variables as energy ratio, buffer ratio, and packet arrival rate. Dynamic slot allocation eliminates the time slot wastage, excess delay in the network and attributes a high level of reliability to the network with maximum channel utilization. The efficacy of the proposed scheme is proved in terms of packet delivery ratio, average end to end delay, and average energy consumption when compared with the conventional IEEE 802.15.4 standard and the tele-medicine protocol. 1. Introduction. Wireless body area networks (WBANs) is growing rapidly due to the recent advancements in the fields of electronics, intelligent sensors, and wireless communication technologies [1]. WBAN is a type of wireless sensor network [2] that requires a number of nodes to be worn on the body or implanted within the human body to collect the health vital signs. It can also be considered as a subclass of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) [3,4] with certain specific characteristics that make the research challenges more exigent [5]. The sensors collect data periodically or aperiodically and route them through different body controller nodes using various routing protocols. A geographic delay tolerant network (DTN) routing protocol is presented in [6], with the primary objective to improve the routing efficiency and reduce the chance of selecting inappropriate nodes for routing. Greedy forwarding, perimeter forwarding, and DTN forwarding modes are used for efficient routing towards the destination. The paper [7] explained the need for programming frameworks and middlewares for collaborative body sensor networks (CBSNs) due to the complex system requirements of CBSNs, unlike star topology-based body sensor networks (BSNs). The paper presented a novel collaborative-signal processing in node environment (C-SPINE) framework for CBSNs. It was developed as an extension of Signal Processing In Node Environment (SPINE) middleware that was discussed in [8]. SPINE was designed to meet the high-level software abstraction and hardware constraints in single BSNs. The medical applications of WBAN include daily monitoring of human health vital signs and detection of chronic diseases such that the treatment benefits the patient at an early stage. The challenging tasks in patient monitoring systems are high throughput, limited delay, and less energy consumption. However, the existing protocols are less efficient to meet these challenges. It means the body sensors must be low power devices with guaranteed reliability since battery replacement or recharging is difficult. Hence, this necessitates energy efficient and reliable MAC protocol. The IEEE 802.15.4 MAC is a low power standard with minimum delay requirements that is widely used in WBANs. However, it is less efficient in terms of delay, throughput, and energy consumption for periodic patient monitoring applications. In case of an unexpected event or life-critical applications, the channel and bandwidth utilization are poor for this standard. The two major channel access methods used in WBANs are carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) and time division multiple access (TDMA). In CSMA/CA, the nodes compete for the channel before the data transmission. In TDMA, each node can transmit during its assigned time slot. The total time is divided into equal time slots which are organized as superframes. In a superframe, a node can transmit data within a time slot. In the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, the aontention access period (CAP) uses CSMA/CA and contention free period (CFP) uses guaranteed time slot (GTS) allocation based on TDMA [9]. There are some shortcomings in the case of life-critical WBAN applications with equal time slots. The first one is the bandwidth under-utilization, where nodes use only a small portion of the assigned slot. This leads to slot wastage which represents an empty slot in the CFP. The second is the limited GTS slots. This affects the medical scenarios where a number of life-critical events occur simultaneously. In this standard, only seven GTS slots are available which cannot accommodate the multiple emergency events in time. Another limitation is the fixed time slots in the superframe which fails during urgent situations. With the introduction of the internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing [10,11] paradigms to the field of medical services, a number of healthcare systems have been developed in order to provide fast and reliable treatment to patients. It also includes the sharing of medical information among the medical institutions, family members and the related personnel [12]. IoT-based health applications are not sufficient for pervasive monitoring, which requires additional analysis and decision-making capabilities. In order to overcome this shortcoming, IoT enabled cloud-assisted monitoring services came up. However, these also suffered due to discontinuities in the network connectivity [13]. Hence, an extended version of cloud computing, called fog computing [14] or fogging, is used now, in which computations can be done in any node, called fog node or nodes at the edge of personal area network (PAN). In a similar manner to cloud computing, fog nodes are also prone to failures. However, the impact of failure is less and easier to handle for fogging in comparison with the cloud [15]. Cloud failure affects the entire hospital, whereas fog failure is restrained to a smaller area such as a hospital ward or a block. In short, fog computing can overcome the limitations of cloud computing, including high bandwidth constraints, dependency on network infrastructure, unpredictable time of response from the cloud for emergency cases, and so on. The fogging has a shorter response time, as the data processing is carried out at the edge of the network and close to the source along with securing the data within the network. Figure 1 shows an example of an in-hospital block-wise health monitoring setup that utilizes the fog computing concept [16]. Each block has a number of patients and a central coordinator. In this method, the central coordinator (battery-operated node) acts as an edge computing device or a fog node. The central coordinator classifies the sensor signal into urgency, semi-urgency, and normal data by using simple mathematical models and a threshold value, and makes the decision accordingly (i.e., whether to immediately send the data to the base station or not). Then, the central coordinator directly sends the data to the base station (BS). The health monitoring system usually consists of a number of sensor nodes worn on the patient’s body, such as an electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor, electroencephalogram (EEG) sensor, temperature sensor, pressure sensor, glucose sensor, and a body controller. These sensor devices collect data from the body and send them to the body controller, which is placed at any appropriate position on the body. The body controller aggregates the collected information and sends it towards a central coordinator through the tree-based routes. The advantage of fog computing is that the central coordinator or the fog node sends only the valid information and drops unnecessary sensor information, thereby simplifying the complexity of data storage and computation. It also makes the decision quickly. For example, in speech analysis for Parkinson’s disease, the audio recordings are not merely forwarded. Instead, the analysis of the recordings is done locally, and only the necessary metrics are transmitted [15]. Hence, the fog-architecture minimizes the delay which makes it suitable for various medical applications. In this paper, a fog-based architecture and dynamic slot allocation are considered to address the discussed challenges of WBANs. The performance of an in-hospital patient monitoring system is enhanced by using a QoS efficient next hop selection algorithm and a fuzzy-based dynamic slot allocation scheme. The proposed methods are designed without modifying the superframe structure of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC standard. The main contributions of the paper are: A fog-based WBAN for a real-time patient monitoring system which consists of a sensor layer, body controller layer, and a central coordinator layer. Minimum cost parent selection (MCPS) algorithm for best parent selection and a link cost function for efficient routing. The best parent node for the tree formation is selected by comparing the link cost function, number of hops, and the distance between the nodes.
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