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To lose fat, you need to eat in a calorie deficit. The best way to build muscle, however, is by eating in a calorie surplus while training. Preserving lean muscle mass while losing weight isn’t always easy, but it’s important to overall health and wellness. Maintaining muscle mass and strength is. Your body composition is made up of fat mass and fat-free mass. You can improve it by decreasing body fat, increasing muscle or both. As coach matt mentions in the video above, gaining muscle and losing fat simultaneously is called “body recomposition. ” so yes, the process is. “despite what most people believe, it is possible to lose weight and gain muscle mass. Gaining muscle on a fat loss diet is absolutely possible. In fact, it should be expected for most people on a serious program. The more advanced you get, the. Yes, it’s possible both to lose weight and gain muscle with this strategy. Lean out, tone up, get ripped. They all mean the same thing: body


“despite what most people believe, it is possible to lose weight and gain muscle mass. Your body composition is made up of fat mass and fat-free mass. You can improve it by decreasing body fat, increasing muscle or both. To lose fat, you need to eat in a calorie deficit. The best way to build muscle, however, is by eating in a calorie surplus while training. Gaining muscle on a fat loss diet is absolutely possible. In fact, it should be expected for most people on a serious program. The more advanced you get, the. Preserving lean muscle mass while losing weight isn’t always easy, but it’s important to overall health and wellness. Maintaining muscle mass and strength is. Yes, it’s possible both to lose weight and gain muscle with this strategy. Lean out, tone up, get ripped. They all mean the same thing: body. As coach matt mentions in the video above, gaining muscle and losing fat simultaneously is called “body recomposition. ” so yes, the process is


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